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Location Closure The Forest Park, Washington Village, & Brooklyn branches are closed for renovations. Learn more here.

Herring Run

Herring Run Branch Auditorium

3801 Erdman Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21213

Located on the ground floor of the Herring Run Branch, the auditorium is a large flexible space with audio/video capabilities, and an elevated stage. The room includes tables and chairs, and can either be set up classroom style or theater style. Light refreshments are allowed in the room.

Pricing Features

For-Profit and Out-of-State Organizations:
Up to 4 hours: $100
4 to 8 hours: $120

Non-Profit Organizations:
Up to 4 hours: no charge
4 to 8 hours: $50

  • 80 person capacity
  • Elevated Stage
  • Projector
Herring Run meeting room - chairs and tables, facing forward toward the stage
Herring Run meeting room - chairs and tables, facing the stage
Herring Run meeting room - point of view from the speaker's podium
Herring Run meeting room - chairs and tables, back and sides of the room

Room Availability

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