Free to Bmore Podcast

A podcast of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, this series features conversation with leaders and innovators having a positive impact on Baltimore City. Your journey starts here...
Listen to episodes below, or subscribe on iTunes, SoundCloud, or RSS.

Sammy Hoi
MICA President Sammy Hoi joins the Free to Bmore podcast to talk about how art and artists can be changemakers in our society.

Kurt Schmoke
The former mayor discusses his past leading Baltimore, his present as the President of University of Baltimore, and his hopes for the future of the city.

Welcome Back to the Central Library
One of the most historic buildings in Baltimore City has undergone a $115 million renovation. In the episode we talk about the transformation of the Enoch Pratt Central Library with Chief of Facilities John Richardson and consulting architect Sandra Vicchio. Pratt CEO Heidi Daniel joins us to discuss the impact the building will have for generations to come.

Lawyer in the Library
Free legal help available at your Pratt Library. In this Free to Bmore episode, Maryland Legal Aid's Todd Cagwin discusses the expanding Lawyer in the Library program and how it has touched many lives… including his own.

50 Years of Pride
It's been half a century since the Stonewall Uprising kicked off Pride marches across the world. In this episode, LGBTQ + community members discuss how far the movement for equal rights has come, and how much further there is to go.

Amy Webb
Futurist Amy Webb talks about the impact artificial intelligence is having on all of our lives, and how advances in technology and that way it is used will change the course of history. Check out her new book The Big Nine at the Pratt today.